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Considerations Regarding Young Children with Special Needs

Considerations Regarding Young Children with Special Needs

Children who have been identified with a disability prior to age two should be receiving services. These services are normally provided in the home or a combination of home-center based programs, usually through an Infant-Family Serviced Plan (IFSP). A primary focus of the IFSP is on the child and family, including family objectives as well as child goals. Transitioning to a public preschool program that is governed by IDEA guidelines for eligibility and an Individual Education Plan (IEP) may require some adjustment. Parents will need to familiarize themselves with the law, the rights of their child, and the school’s particular procedures. Schools can help by providing clear information (in multiple languages) online and in print and making it easy for parents to contact the relevant staff (i.e. school psychologist). Starting this process prior to the start of school and with the goal of ongoing home-school collaboration is important. We can guide you through the process.

— biswarup99

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